Beloved. Our nation, and the Church in our nation is in such a unique hour of identity. For the last several weeks we believe the Lord has been calling us to curb our normal pace of life, come apart, allow ourselves to become poor, stop eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and receive wisdom and purification from the Lord.
We want to be clean, more than we want to be right.
Join us as we come before the Lord to let Him search our hearts, reason together with Him; for ourselves, the House of Prayer, and the Church in our nation. Join us as we humble ourselves together before Him in contrition, repentance and purging; that the Lord and His glory alone would be great and marvelous among us.
We believe that the Lord is preparing a people to be uniquely set apart for Him, and His intercessory purposes, in the hour that's dawning around us.
Monday, February 24, 2025 - Saturday, April 12, 2025
(You are also invited to FAST with US, at the beginning of this season: Monday, February 24 - Friday, February 28)